




10人 不限 2年以上 18-50 性别不限 微简历可投
?Handle customer quality complaint, customers are automotive OEMs. (Communicate with customer for quality information, implement containment actions, provide 8D report to customer and visit customer if necessary)?处理客户质量投诉,客户为汽车行业整车厂。(与客户沟通质量情报、实施围堵措施、提供8D报告和必要时拜访客户);?Lead 8D team to complete 8D reports for customer quality complaint.?领导8D团队完成客户质量投诉的8D报告;?Understand customer quality requirement and transfer to internal quality management.?理解客户的质量要求并转换成内部质量管理要求;?Track customer quality satisfaction (Scorecard) and work out continual improvement plan for key customers.?跟踪客户质量满意度,对关键客户制定持续改善的计划;?Periodically analyze official customer complaints and push continual improvement.?定期分析客户投诉状况,推进持续改善;?Response for handling customer audit for quality related. (Lead team to prepare and deal with customer quality audit, complete actions plan and give response to customer on time. Check actions implement status and ensure related actions will be implemented.)?主导关于质量方面的客户审核;?Build and maintain good customer relationship with quality team.?和客户质量团队建立和维护良好的客户关系;?Support project team for quality related activities.?支持项目相关的质量方面的工作;?Support internal process audit.?支持内部过程审核;?System maintain assistance.?体系维护相关工作的协助;?Some tasks assigned by quality manager.?质量经理安排的其他工作。Our requirements:?Education: Bachelor degree or above in Mechanical;?教育背景:本科及以上学历;?5 years or above of foreign company customer quality experience in automobile related industry will be preferred;?5年以上外企客户质量工程师工作经验,有与汽车行业主流整车厂工作经验者优先;?Good c...
带薪年假 年终奖 工作餐 公费旅游