Cashier & Admin 出纳兼行政职位详情

Cashier & Admin 出纳兼行政




10人 不限 2年以上 18-50 性别不限 微简历可投
Main Tasks 主要任务1.Book bank statement,Monthly Closing, reconciliation记银行帐,月结,对帐2.Foreign currency management: 外汇管理3.Accounts Receivable , Declaration外汇收入,申报4.Overseas remittance, examine and approve境外付款,批汇5.Exchange settlement, purchase foreign exchange结售汇,转收款等业务6.Monthly reporting ,FCST,RP月结,销售报告,损益表,折旧,现金流量表等7.Plan of payable,check invoice每周付款及检查发票8.Commerzbank: Domestic loan,book bank statement,Entrustment loan,reconciliation德商行:商业贷款,委托贷款,记银行帐,对帐等9.External loan, reconciliation外债管理与使用,对帐10.Annual inspection of Account opening license开户许可证年检11.Print and package the book keeping document 打印及装订会计凭证12.Create and maintain the vendor infer record 创建和维护供应商信息13.Verify and issue the invoice 认证和开具增值税专用发票14.Record and report to the tax bureau the invoice with amount more than 5000 RMB每月月初进行大额发票的采集录入15.Assist accounting for all the Financial and tax works. 协助会计完成所有财务和税务的工作16.Other tasks from the immediate supervisor.上级安排的其他任务。要求:1.Bachelor degree of Accounting/Business University会计或经济学大学学士学位2.General Accounting Certification会计从业资格Skills技能专长:1.MS Office, 办公软件2.ERP FI-Module, ERP财务模块3.Good English skills良好的英语能力...
带薪年假 年终奖 工作餐 公费旅游